Tag Archives: Starseed Physical Symptoms

Ascension Energy Update Thursday 6 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: The energies our encouraging and supporting EVERYONE to move to the next level of your growth, to make the next “challenging” or exciting shift. Scary, but oh so worth it. Do it, you will be so deeply grateful you did. Jump! You will always, always be held. We have such deep love for you, use that deep love within you to do it for you. πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 6th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Wednesday 5 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: There is need to get certain things done in life, (not shoulds – necessities) however due to intense thorough programming from our parents, our schooling, work, movies, etc to achieve, to DO what you are SUPPOSED TO DO, to be better and better, to grind, to serve even with resentment, this creates distortion and misalignment with your truth. It becomes very difficult to remember how to just BE. How to listen to your own inner guidance on what is in the highest for you to do or be next. It take practice and some clear decisions to make this a priority. Write the question, “What do I really want?”. Then steam, stream, stream your answers from your lower mind, your emotions, your soul, your Presence. What do you want to do and how much do you want to just be? πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 5th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Tuesday 4 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: It’s your right and everyone else’s, free will to choose what is in the highest for you. Time changes things, people change, each moment is a new moment to evaluate when needed. It is actually a high level practice to do this everyday. What is in the highest for me today, in the next few hours, tomorrow? You may then fulfil the needs of your divine feminine, divine masculine and divine inner child. This will accelerate your ascension process and your bliss. πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 4th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Monday 3 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Stop mucking around, and be the person you would look to and say, “OMG, they love and care for themselves so much that I can feel their light no matter what they do. Their integrity and Love quotient is 100% and they are fulfilling their purpose on Earth. They are fully and completely who they want to be and therefore they know exactly what steps to take in their life because they only listen to their own guidance and choose from there, from their heart, from their joy which is spirit saying yes!” The other “compassionately” giving into the needs and demands of others is truly slavery. Everyone has to go through this at some stage, this lifetime or the next few… 😘 πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 3rd December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Sunday 2 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: If honestly and truly yes, beautiful!!! If maybe or no… CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE!!! Why wait? For someone to catch up to you? For the miracle to show you the way? YOU’RE IT! No one and nothing else is going to fix this for you. Do whatever you need to do to create your life in the highest for you. If someone won’t come with you, that is their right and their journey, allow it. Be the extraordinary soul you know you are. Start simple, but very powerfully, step by step build the new foundation of a truthful, authentic life. If there’s alot to change, go hard with courage in your heart. FreedomπŸ™

🌎 9.2 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 2nd December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Saturday 1 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Breathing through, letting go of attachment to the feeling, using your tools like EFT Tapping, meditation etc to assist the energy to move through with grace. Covering it over with other actions will only densify it for you to deal with later. πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 1st December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Friday 30 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: In those moments of reaction if you drop deeper into remembering and have a chat with your lower mind, “okay I have a choice here.” Do I choose to allow the personality to react? Or do I choose to drop deeper into remembering my spirit has my back, so it will all work out. I am willing to do and be what my Presence guides me towards. Even if it looks “bad, sad or horrific,” trust, have faith in the process, breathe and allow. Choose to respond with grace, gratitude and discipline (clear light boundaries for the ego.) πŸ™

🌎 9.2 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 30th November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Thursday 29 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: If you believe you can’t do things more slowly, as there is a rush to get to work or to get the kids to school, or to finish a project, remember you are choosing that reality. You can change all of it, simplify, contemplate how you spend your time, where you want to spend your time. The beta frequency of rushing is a very harsh, unnatural way to live. Change your job, take your kids out of school, communicate the project will take longer than expected, simplify to suit your true inner rhythm. It is in the highest for all. πŸ™

🌎 9.2 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 29th November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Wednesday 28 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Wipe the old paradigm of what purpose means in a 3D sense. There are so many programs and beliefs implanted in the collective to be “successful,” to live a good life with many standards to live up to. Set it all free and focus on your universal truth, your higher mind, not the lower mental programming. πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 28th November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Tuesday 27 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: It’s just where it’s at. The truth seems harsh sometimes, yet it is so important to keep your energy clean so you can live, be and do your mission. πŸ™

🌎 9.2 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 27th November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Monday 26 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Enough already… I think you’re here for more just a bit of experience, you’ve been there done that. Be the example you came here to be. You are a spiritual being, reminding humanity they are spiritual beings. πŸ™

🌎 9.2 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 26th November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Sunday 25 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Yes!!! This can be done everyday. If there is pain, struggle, annoyance, avoidance in your experience that keeps draining you, frustrating you, it is time to make a new choice!!! The joy will be immense, like the divine new born child after intense child birth sensations. Always worth it! πŸ˜˜πŸƒ πŸ™

🌎 9.2 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 25th November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Saturday 24 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: You are love, you are light, you are an energetic being, nothing can ever really hurt you. Be ALL you came here to be. The support for you is immense, the love for you is infinite, the wisdom and light is abundantly available to you. Jump into to who you really are. Blessings to all beings on Earth and beyond. πŸ™

🌎 9.5 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 24th November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Friday 23 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Welcoming the new 9.5 wave like a fresh breeze or gust of divine wind. Shift to the next level people. Inform your ascension family of light team you are ready! πŸ˜˜πŸƒπŸƒπŸŒŠπŸ™

🌎 9.5 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 23rd November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Thursday 22 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Give your personality boundaries, coach your personality to know this too shall pass through. Allow the e-motions and thoughts to flow through without attachment. Ask them to drop, feel the pouring of love and grace in your chakras filling you with who you really are. πŸƒπŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 22nd November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Wednesday 21 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Changes can be scary or just unsettling and easy to be put off until a “better” time. Try getting a little wild and just make a decision today to do that thing you’ve been wanting to do, just for a week. After a week reassess, shift again, see what you do and dont resonate with. Takes the pressure off the personality which can up the willingness levels. πŸ˜˜πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 21st November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Tuesday 20 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: What did you program for your soul this lifetime? Is it in the highest for you to live a basic human life with a bit of spiritual mixed in? Or did you hope to wake up and expand all the way possible? All is in divine order. πŸ’— πŸ—πŸ’• πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Monday 19 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: It is very challenging letting go of seemingly loving family and friends, yet you are exhausted after connecting or you drain your consciousness frequency by hundreds of points. It’s not selfish to choose a higher timeline for yourself, for then you can use that energy to help so many other WILLING participants. These ones are not bad people, just unconscious. You are not, therefore you have the re-sponse-ability to stop the negative energy drain. They gain your energy, or they have to find the energy themselves. It’s called a Pillar… Trust their journey. πŸ™πŸŒ„πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 19th November 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Sunday 18 November 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Be willing to loose and let go of the ordinary to experience the extraordinary πŸ—πŸ’• πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ November 2018 🌏

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Ascension Energy Update Saturday 17 November 2018

β˜„Decide, bite down and don’t let go! Eventually the creative solution turns up if your willingness is higher enough.

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update 🌏
~ 17th November 2018 ~

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Willingness, willingness, willingness!!! That’s what it takes and be relentless in your commitment, love of self and all to do what is in the highest at all times. Have faith and deep trust, throw your arms up like on that roller coaster ride, scary and fun at the same time. πŸ™πŸ˜Šβ˜„πŸ—πŸ’• πŸ™ no attachment, surrender & trust.

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