Tag Archives: Starseed Physical Symptoms

Ascension Energy Update Wednesday 26 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: She is a thick field in the Western world. Use all your clearing and cleansing techniques to free up your energy from all negative anchors, cords, thought forms, programs, enitities, implants, portals, old time lines etc. Fly free. πŸ˜ŠπŸ”Ή πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 26th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Tuesday 25 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Being anything other than yourself today is lying to and cheating on your own Divinity.The fake fantasies the Christmas matrix holds hides the depth and extraordinarily magical, mystical, wonderfilled reality of this Universe within us and externally creating worlds and beyond. Merge with your Presence today – it is the greatest gift you may share with all of humanity.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 25th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Monday 24 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Explore! There is magnificence within you! Blessed are the ones who awaken from beneath the depths of the heavy, sleepy veils of 3D… Blessings to all beings on Earth to awaken to the rememberence of their true beingness. πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 24th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Sunday 23 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Really claim who you are, do not hide the extraordinary multidimensional being that you are!!! Bring the fullness of your Presence to this world. Remember this is the truth of the love, light and empowerment that you came here to anchor in this realm. πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 23rd December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Saturday 22 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Key, key, key! 🌟 If you dip your foot into the powerful magnetic river of materialism at Christmas time, you may find yourself swimming in the dense reality that is not yours. Stay conscious and focused, use tools to stay clean and clear. Presence… πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 22nd December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Friday 21 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: We are now in the fast lane of timelines shifting very quickly in different directions than you may expect. The key is to be very conscious, present and flexible with change. You may receive guidance one week and due to the collective or your own growth, a new path pops into existence. Do not be lower mind stubborn and just stick to the old information because you decided on it. Stay present with the new flows. Super exciting times!πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 21st December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Thursday 20 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: There is always a solution to create more freedom. Simplification is often a first step and being willing to let go of attachments to how it all needs to be for a while. Allow a transition period after or during the change, however be strongly supportive of yourself to keep finding that freedom your soul craves. πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 20th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Wednesday 19 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: And commit to yourself out of divine love for your being and all the beings you will gift as you ground more love and light on the Earth. πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 19th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Tuesday 18 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Listen to and read nature to assist you on your path. How to grow through challenging situations, how to let go and let something die when it’s time, how to be in tune with the rhythms and the elements and so much more. Reflect it back into your life where needed, it may bring grace to your heart and courage to your mind. πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 18th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Monday 17 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: There is a divine force supporting you to and on your highest path, it is your Spirit, your higher Self, your Presence. Trust, have faith and surrender deeply into the arms of your divine guidance, your Presence. As you would float in the gentle waves of the ocean, let go and flow… πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 17th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Sunday 16 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: You can anchor whatever temple you would like to infuse energetically throughout your field and even ask it to encompass your family and whole property. How do you want to feel? Ask for that temple. A temple or chamber of love, of light, of clarity, of truth, of joy, of surrender, of grounding, of healing, of clearing, of courage, of group consciousness, of bliss, of focus, of ease and grace etc, etc. Play with it and feel. πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 16th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Saturday 15 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Sometimes scary, but oh so worth it! Keep airing your truth. With all the puzzle pieces out, feel outside your normal box of thinking, open up to higher guidance, while clearing beliefs of why it is not possible to work it out etc. Willingness in all areas around the subject are key. You can do it. Your Spirit and the Universe has your back! Also clear limiting beliefs that Spirit doesn’t have your back. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜β£ πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 15th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Friday 14 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Here is the truth in the energetic field: If things are not changing in your life reasonably quickly right now, (at all levels of consciousness) then you are likely not listening to your inner guidance that is yelling quietly in the background to you, “It is time to shift this and this..”. Listen care-fully and act. Free will always of course. Keep up, it is an adventure! πŸ˜‰πŸŒŸπŸ™

🌎 9.2 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 14th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Thursday 13 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Whatever it is you have been putting off! πŸ˜‰ Seriously though waiting is only stressing your system, you know you’ll need to do it eventually. You will be supported and grateful you did. πŸ™

🌎 9.2 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 13th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Wednesday 12 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Keep it simple. You are a divine spark of the Creator of all that is. Bring this remembrance to Earth, ground it through your bodies. You are then doing your Mission, being all you came here to be and acting from this place. πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 12th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Tuesday 11 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: It is so empowering to know it’s really up to you because then you have all the power within to make the changes. If reasons why you can’t are being triggered, remember these are limiting beliefs, programs, illusions, veils that need to be dealt with and surrendered. Sometimes you need to pull out that Spiritual Warrior within to get through and hold your ground. Free yourself, now is more fulfilling then later… 😊 πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 11th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Monday 10 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: It’s all up to you, which is actually very empowering because it’s easier to change yourself than change someone else or the external. If there is a stuck point in your life where you really want to change, but just can’t seem to get there, it comes down to low willingness to change in that specific area. You may be 95% willing to change in most other areas, but this is your current sticky one to work on. Do what you need to do to get your willingness up in this area, use your tools, meditate on it, EFT Tapping, belief work, face worst case and go all the way there while tapping or clearing etc. Discipline and grace πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜˜πŸ”ΉπŸ”· πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 10th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Sunday 9 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Contemplate all the areas you do not feel free, then creatively and decisively change it! Courage and simplicity! Drop all veils of illusion where there are shoulds, have to’s and that’s impossible. You may be in great denial. Much love. πŸ™

🌎 9.3 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 9th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

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Ascension Energy Update Saturday 8 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: Cleanse your field thoroughly by asking your Ascension teams, use your own energy work, cords, old hidden pockets of stagnant energy or do some of our clearing meditations on YouTube. For your lower mind visualise these people, all types of relationships on a sail boat or something similar and you may choose to say things like, ” Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I forgive you, I now let you go, I now set you free.” See them turn around and sail away over the horizon. You may need to continue to do this if some have a strong hold on you and do other layers later as they come up. πŸ™

🌎 9.4 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 8th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

This update can be used for this date across all time zones

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Ascension Energy Update Friday 7 December 2018

πŸ‘‰Key::πŸ”‘: If your questioning your relationships with family members, however your personality, your energetic cords, your programming are telling you,”but their blood, we have to stick together, Or I owe them, or it’s just my lot, their sick I have to put up with it. I have to deal with it because their blood, my mother, father, sister, brother etc etc.” Especially important over the upcoming holiday season with xmas etc, stay true to your guidance. If you really don’t want to go to the family Christmas with family members that don’t even know who you are, verbally abuse you like they always have or disrespect in any sense, LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH to not go. Also use this daily, does this relationship enhance my life or drain, there is your answer, no matter how they react. This is obviously different when it comes to your children until they are 18 etc.πŸ™

🌎 9.2 Daily Ascension Energy Update ~ 7th December 2018 🌏

No attachment, surrender & trust.

This update can be used for this date across all time zones

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