December 2016
Throughout most of my 18 year journey as a mother I have struggled with the idea of lying to my children about Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny when we are so honest about all other areas in life. My eldest asked me when she was about 6 years old if Santa was real, and I asked her what she thought. She said, “ I think Santa is not real and you give me the presents.” I replied, “Yes, you are right.” She continued to enjoy Christmas even after knowing the illusion of Santa.
She is now nearly 18 and our little ones are 7 and twins 5. Six months ago my husband and I, along with our eldest’s strong opinion, decided to tell them Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny are not real. We couldn’t sit with the energy any longer. Here we were lifting veils in all other areas, facing illusions in ourselves in society, in friendships, extended family, in the money system, in the existence of aliens, everything really. So we knew it was time to tell the truth to our switched on kids, as they could usually read our energy and thoughts (and aren’t we moving towards a telepathic, telempathic society anyway).
So, me the Mumma always deeply concerned about wanting the children to be happy, thought they would have a cry and feel disappointed and uncomfortable with the “harsh” reality that these “magical” beings were not real. Well once again they surprised us! Sitting at the dinner table as we were finishing dinner my husband and I felt the time was right and I began to “break the news”, Santa first. Our eldest realised and gently excused herself with a slightly nervous grin, as she also thought there would be some devastation…
So there was hardly a blink, the first question was, “But how do the presents get here?”, and we went on to very truthfully explain all that had gone on and the reasons behind it. They seemed fascinated and enjoyed finding out all of the details. The truth about the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny followed just as easily. Not one tear, only interest, and one of the twins was wondering who would put the money under their pillow when they lost their teeth. So a discussion began of what they really wanted, sometimes money, and sometimes crystals. We continued to watch and check in overtime and it has been quite the enlightening experience for all of us, seeing the real magic in life, looking deeper into other realms with the kids like the elementals, nature, aliens and angels. They have since chosen to put images of Archangels and Ascended Masters next to their bed and ask for what they need to support them in their life before sleep. It feels more in alignment for me than writing to the fake Santa in the post office asking for 20 presents , mainly made of plastic. Our eldest boy, 7, is a master manifester and usually asks for animals to come to him. He handles snakes, lizards, frogs, birds, echidnas, all sorts, and these are the gifts he receives daily and often says “This is the best day ever Mum!”, often!
This year we decided we wanted to play with the idea of not celebrating the consumerism, commercial Christmas and clear the space, allow the truth to surface in us of what our family wants to celebrate and how we want to give to one another. So far we have decided to not do anything special on the actual day, the 25th December, to really break up the programming. Instead before or after that date we will spend a special day together having an adventure, most likely snorkeling for the first time for the young ones. I especially have spent way too much time and energy in the past wanting to please the family and others with a focus on gifts and food. This new way brings me excitement and to be honest, relief that I don’t need to prepare weeks or months ahead with gifts etc. Everyday nature gives us blessings and being together in pure authenticity and presence is to me so much more important than getting the right gift. In my opinion it has bred greed and discontentment at Christmas and it has taught kids to want things they play with for one day, next present, next, next and the toys end up going to land fill.
The origins of Santa and Christmas are varied, in the last century popularised by companies like Coca Cola, so many profiting from the holiday season. From the 1920’s onwards companies have been using the image of a made up jolly man in his red suit, inspired by images of Saint Nicholas, a Greek Bishop who gave to those in need. The St Nicholas Bishop was used eventually also to control children’s behavior and put fear into them, ‘be a good boy and girl or you shall be punished receiving coal or worse instead of gifts’. People were celebrating Christmas way before Christ was born via the pagan Roman winter solstice festival, which was used and changed over time, again showing how these icons have been used to control or gain on some level. We as a family are letting go of this whole matrix to find what is authentic for us, so we are emptying the space to allow truth, light, love, joy and harmony to fill us.
There is still a lot of joy for many people at Christmas time, I’m not questioning this. What I am questioning is, ‘are you just doing because that’s just what you do’ or are you choosing from your heart and your inner guidance, your truth. It takes courage to say to the extended family, or friends ‘we will not be joining you at Christmas’, if this is what you know your heart wants, however if you do it will shower more of what you truly want and need in your life, freedom included.