February 2017
Why are so many of us looking to create community? I have been pondering this and observing this for nearly 20 years, while desiring to be in an intentional community.
Some of my observations and excitements for community:
· Connection – Feeling a belonging with tribe
· Support – Many hands and minds and hearts make light work
· Joy – Sharing with like-minded friends and soul family, playing together
· Acceptance – Knowing your neighbours and peers are just as weird as you
· Security – A hope that living costs will go down, therefore less financial pressure, possibly home owned
· Children – It takes a tribe to raise a child. They will be cared for and supported by other mentors and peers
· Spirit – Finding that closer connection to source, having time, space and ceremony
· Freedom, freedom, freedom
Why? Why do we want it? Why can’t we make it work on a large scale? And what is it going to take to make it work and create this harmonious peaceful society we dream of?
I feel deeply blessed with my current life. I have a divine family, my twin flame Sikaal walking with me in divine union, my amazing free spirited children guiding the way to the new earth and our willingness as a unit to let go of anything that holds us from ascension, from freedom, from our authentic selves. I have all of this and I am still driven to expand towards this ideal freedom of living in true unity in community. And again willing to let it go until it is divine timing, in divine order and with humans that have the same level of willingness, the same values, the same frequency bandwidth to which we can all groove together and move and ascend and let go together. Live within a 4th Density reality with all involved.
Why do I want it? It feels like my mission to assist us to move this way, and it feels right, it feels like truth, the way we are meant to live. Before money was used on Earth to enslave, how did we live, there was trade etc, and there was sharing in the tribes and villages. Now we all have to take care of ourselves in separation where each of us works to build and pay for our own shelter, works to pay for the utilities that have been created so we continue to have to slave. We work to pay for our individual food, we work to pay for the individual machines, appliances and equipment to take care of our individual homes and gardens. Whereas if we could share with deep respect, for example mowers that are only used for a very short time each month could be used by many on a schedule(or get rid of lawns!). There are so many of these situations that would save the extreme waste, consuming the earth’s resources, and saving the individuals energy of having to pay for these barely used items.
Our family went to a festival recently and it showed us the extraordinary ability we all have to come together and build a whole village for 5000 people to fully live, have shelter, food, yet still be connected and exchanging with the other “villages” outside this one, while living and playing together. This was created for just 5 days of freedom, connection and fun. If like-minded souls can do this in such a short time, what could we do if we spent more time and made this sustainable? The trick here is all getting on the same page, the same frequency, the same values, goals, reasons for wanting community or for the New Earth reality.
For me so far in my experience some of the key challenge areas for a community to be sustained and ENJOYED are:
· Being aligned in consciousness – Individuals spending the TIME, effort and WILLINGNESS to raise our frequency towards 4th Density living. Freedom and Truth .
· Creating the model of community that works for the group – Structured, organic, online, land buy in, or create open community within the town you already live, sharing food gardens, so many ways.
· Who contributes when, how and accountability – Michael Tellinger’s Ubuntu Contributionism has a great model and some real wisdom on this, however again it takes a lot of work to get everyone on the same page, as our family explored this concept with an amazing group of people, yet it didn’t stick due to different goals and why’s. I have seen cracks in a number of communities due to this. Old trauma and belief systems hold us back from living fully transparently and open-heartedly and willing to look at the shadows within.
· Having to earn money takes away from clarity – A major reason why it is so challenging to fulfil this beautiful ideal is that everyone in the group still has to take care of their own by earning money and this takes away from the true energetic freedom to explore fully how to make this work. Another reason why my husband and I have pulled out of the 3D grind and are living in simplicity with a lot of space to process and constantly peel away anything in the way of our authenticity.
Due to Sikaal and I making the commitment to let go of society’s ideas of success and instead follow our excitement, living simply and having our real needs met, we get to allow our passion to bubble up and flow through from Spirit and it’s so much fun! When we do sessions with people or whatever we choose to share we love it so much without attachment to the money outcome and we want this for everyone to be able to have the space to feel and allow their mission to deeply stir them or to gently whisper to them moving them on their path of LOVING what they do and be and are. I just have to vent a little here! We are not our results, we are not what we achieve, we are not our amount of money or real estate, we are not here to prove anything, we are not here to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most popular!!!! I am here to be me, and you are here to be you! Why?! We chose to be here at this time to expand, to love, not to make money to survive!!! (Aaaah… Again in my opinion) Identity… We need to do whatever it takes to release the beliefs that hold us back from BEing our true selves, make the decisions necessary and take action towards what we all really want. Again at the festival everyone allows their self expression, they have the time, space and acceptance to be their unique self, but just for one week… Many who we spoke with didn’t want to leave and go back to their “3D lives”! Our family (and I’m sure many others there who have chosen) were going home to a free flowing lifestyle with time to process and take in the learning’s, the expansion and shift through to even more freedom. For Relationships with self and others – we do Inner feminine and masculine work; for Parenting with self and children – we do Inner child work; for Community with self and others – we do Inner group work; and all of the inner work revolves around conscious and subconscious beliefs and energy dynamics.
We all have inner group work to do to bring this beautiful planet, Mother Gaia into balance with us, for harmony, for peace, for oneness. The inner work creates space and courage to do the outer work. It is up to each one of us to really choose, we cannot wait for something outside of us to change. What do you want? It can look very different to what you expect, underneath the programming. Choose it; as you jump the ground will appear in front of you. One decision at a time will lead your way. Sometimes the ground will feel rocky, sometimes thick like mud, and as you get to higher ground as the veils of illusion lift, it is light and free, you can breathe and dance and literally step into YOU and who you TRULY are in Comm-UNITY. Let’s do this!