Ascension Consciousness Reading

🔹 The Ascension Consciousness Reading is also available as part of the Ascension & Energy Body Package and the Ascension Package at Divine Light Academy.

The Ascension & Energy Body Package ~ US$333 ~ includes the following elements:
✔ 1x Ascension Consciousness Reading PDF ~ Channeled Personal Reading for Your Soul
✔ 1x Energy Body Reading PDF ~ Channeled Personal Reading for Your Soul
✔ 1x Ascension Consciousness Scale PDF
✔ 1x Ascension & Energy Management Manual PDF
✔ 1x EFT Tapping Manual PDF
✔ 14x Ascension Tools Instructional Videos
✔ 10x Energy Body Tools Instructional Videos
Purchase The Ascension & Energy Body Package

The Ascension Package ~ US$177 ~ includes the following elements:
✔ 1x Ascension Consciousness Reading PDF ~ Channeled Personal Reading for Your Soul
✔ 1x Ascension Consciousness Scale PDF
✔ 1x Ascension & Energy Management Manual PDF
✔ 14x Ascension Tools Instructional Videos
Purchase The Ascension Package


As Mother Gaia is ascending, more and more high frequency energies are accelerating Humanity’s Ascension Process and all Souls on Earth as well. Opheana & Sikaal work with many clients who are very committed to their process of Ascension. In these sessions, a lot of information comes through which helps their clients move forward and realign the areas in their Energy Bodies and their creations which need attention for the next steps in their Ascension Process. This has lead to this Ascension Consciousness Reading. This reading gives a wide range of very insightful information which will help Souls who are or are not yet working with Opheana & Sikaal to move forward on their own path of Ascension. It is a readout of their Energy Bodies specifically in regards to their Spiritual Growth and the next steps on their Path of Ascension.

In your Ascension Consciousness Reading you will receive information in connection to your Ascension Consciousness. Opheana & Sikaal receive this information by connecting with your Spirit and your Support Teams and Intuitive Kinesiology Muscle Testing. Your Ascension Consciousness Reading is not done in person, but is more comparable to having your Astrology Chart done. You order the Ascension Consciousness Reading and within 1 to 5 days you will receive a PDF via email.

Ascension Consciousness Reading PDF & Example PDF
You will receive your Ascension Consciousness Reading in the form of a PDF which we will send to your preferred email address within 1 to 5 days. You can view an Example PDF to see what you will receive: EXAMPLE Ascension Consciousness Reading

What information is offered?
You will receive information about the following aspects of your Ascension Consciousness:
Ascension Consciousness Level: Your Ascension Consciousness Level as per the Ascension Consciousness Scale || The scale is very comprehensive and knowing your Ascension Consciousness Level will greatly assist you to understand the next steps for you to take for your Spiritual Growth and Ascension Process. If your Ascension Consciousness Level is higher than you expected, you are invited to embody more of your Spirit’s empowerment and to be less ‘small & humble’. If your Ascension Consciousness Level is lower than you expected, you are invited to let go of more Spiritual Ego.
Personality Willingness to Align: Your willingness for your personality to align with your Spirit’s Guidance || This element is measured up to 100%.
Willingness to Learn: Your willingness to learn from your Spirit’s Guidance || This element is measured up to 100%. The higher this %, the more you will be in-sync with your Presence’s Guidance.
Willingness to Change & Let Go: Your willingness to change & let go in accordance to your Spirit’s Guidance || This element is measured up to 100%. The higher your level of willingness here, the faster you will move through your initiations and through the different levels of Consciousness.
Willingness to Merge: Your willingness for your personality to allow your Spirit to merge with your vessel || This element is measured up to 100%. The more you can allow your God Presence to merge with you in this physical vessel in your Earthly Incarnation, the more quickly you can advance to higher levels of Ascension Consciousness and further Spiritual Growth.
Original Density: The Density your Soul is from || This element shows the Original Density your Soul is from and will vary from 3rd Density through to 7th Density. For Wanderers and Starseeds, this is often 5th, 6th or 7th Density. A higher Density simply means you can progress through your Ascension Consciousness Levels quicker, as there is much remembering possible.
Ascension Council: The Ascended Masters & Archangels who are on your (Daily) Ascension Council || You will be able to connect in with the main Ascended Masters and/or Archangels on your (Daily) Ascension Council. Most of us have an Ascension Council of 12 and within that a Daily Council of 3. These 3 Beings are the ones that assist you, guide you and are most connected to initiations you are currently moving through. You can call on them for deep assistance through Meditation and all areas of your daily life. Your connections on the Inner Planes will feel very supportive.
Origins & Connections: Some of your main origins / Galactic & Universal connections || Knowing some of your strongest multidimensional, Galactic & Universal connections will help you to reach out to them and receive powerful energetic support and assistance in many ways. It will be like a coming home as you connect on the Inner Planes.
Energy Leakage Percentage: The % of your current energy that is leaked to others || This element is measured up to 100%. It is vital to bring this % down to 0% preferably. You will be able to research to which people / groups you are leaking vital Life Force. Once you know, you can look at the patterns in your Energy Bodies that have created the leakage and you can start healing these and remedying the situation.
Level of Energy Management: Your level of Energy Management of your energy bodies and your environment || As you progress on the Ascension Consciousness Scale, your level of Energy Management (holding, managing and claiming your energetic space, including clearing & protection) will need to be higher. If this is currently low, a great place to start educating yourself is the Ascension & Energy Management Manual.
Love & Light Quotients: Your Love & Light Quotients || These elements are measured up to 100%. Your Love Quotient will tell you what % of Love you currently hold in your Energy Bodies. Your Light Quotient will tell you what % of Light (Universal Truth) you currently hold in your Energy Bodies. Generally the Love Quotient will raise first as the Heart opens and then the goal is to allow more and more Universal Truth, Light, to accompany and balance your Love energies.
Masculine & Feminine Energy: Your Masculine & Feminine energy (Divine Union) energy balance || This element adds up to 100%. As your raise through the levels on the Ascension Consciousness Scale, you will find that you will achieve more and more balance within yourself and your relationships. Remembering that a 50%-50% balance does not equal an androgynous energy, but rather a full empowerment in both the Masculine and Feminine energies. And whether you are in a male or female body in this Incarnation, this Divine Union balance is the state you are moving towards.
Inner Child Energy: Your Inner Child energy || Allowing your Inner Child to be present and active in your life is vital. This element is measured up to 100%. If it is too low, this will be a vital action step to create more joy, love and play in your life.
Next Growth & Initiations: Your expected next areas of growth and initiations; next steps for you to shift based on the Ascension Consciousness Reading || All of the above elements will generate next steps for growth and will highlight next initiations on your Ascension Path.

Ascension Consciousness Reading – Free 14 Part Video Series
We have created a free to watch 14 part video series especially for the Ascension Consciousness Reading. These videos will allow you to get the full benefit of all the information offered in this reading. Each of the variables in the Ascension Consciousness Reading is addressed in-depth.
Check Out Free 14 Part Video Series on the Ascension Consciousness Reading

FAQ Ascension Consciousness Reading

We set up our energetic space, including the Temples and call in all of the Support Teams. We connect in Trinity with your Spirit and receive all the information for your Ascension Consciousness Reading. We put this in your PDF and send this to you via email.
No, your Ascension Consciousness Reading is done within 5 days from when you order it. We plan it into our schedule, receive the information from your Spirit and Support Teams and then send you the PDF with your information via email.
We only need your name to do your Ascension Consciousness Reading. There is no need to send us a picture or any additional information. We connect with your Spirit and Support Teams to receive the information for your reading.
You order the reading via the Divine Heart Shop first. Within 5 days we receive your download and send this information in the form of a PDF to your designated email address.
Absolutely, you can order a reading for your family members like your partner or kids or a friend. It is always important to get energetic permission to do so. You can do this by checking in with their Soul/Spirit that you have permission to have their Ascension Consciousness Reading done, as it is important to respect their free will. In general you will find with family and friends that you will get permission.
We have created a free 14 part video series that you can review on our YouTube channel 'Opheana & Sikaal'. Follow this link for in-depth information on all of the different variables in the Ascension Consciousness Reading.
Yes, you can get monthly, bimonthly or quarterly updates for your Ascension Consciousness Reading. You simply visit the Divine Heart Shop and purchase another reading. We arrange for your next download and will send you the updated information via a PDF.

Highly Recommend These Readings

“I highly recommend these readings. When we received his reading we couldn’t stop crying and he couldn’t stop smiling, as his ascension levels were sky high! It gave him such a boost in his confidence and it gave us such peace of mind. These readings are truly priceless!!! Much love and thanks.”

The Netherlands

Focus on My Ascension Path

“Thank you Sikaal and Opheana for the Ascension Consciousness Reading. I now have a clear idea of what I should focus on in order to move forward on my Ascension path. I understand my origins and what steps to take next. The work that you do is amazing!”


Vital Pivotal Point in Ascension Process

“So when I came across Opheana and Sikaal I immediately knew they were different. I immediately ordered an Energy Reading and an Ascension Consciousness Reading without reading other testimonials. I just knew I was aligned to them. I was thrilled to know that they don’t request any information and they were able to tap in and receive VERY accurate information from Source.”

Rena Wells
Toronto, Canada

Great Growth through Ascension Consciousness Reading

“Getting my reading was the best thing I could do for myself. Ultimately, I have a much better understanding of my Spirit, and I can feel myself making great growth, all because of my Ascension Consciousness Reading!”

New York, U.S.A.

Grateful for Both of You Beyond Words

“I am grateful for both of you beyond what I can even put in words.”

Roberta Mansfield
CA, U.S.A.

Deeply Grateful and Extremely Useful Information

“Extremely useful information and tools to make precise decisions as to how to work and manage one’s own energy, and to contrast with one’s own personal perception and psychological landscape. Deeply grateful for all your work, Opheana and Sikaal.”

A & C
Paris, France


By purchasing an Ascension Consciousness Reading, you agree that your reading is subject to your own interpretation. Information you receive does not constitute legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice. Choices and/or actions based on the content of your reading are your responsibility. Do not take the advice given to replace medical, legal, or professional advice. You also agree to not hold Sikaal & Opheana and Divine Heart liable for any information that is received via a reading. Any action you take as a consequence of this reading is solely your responsibility.

Further Support
Ascension Tools
Daily Ascension Energy Updates
Ascension Consciousness Scale
Energy Body Reading
Ascension & Energy Management Manual

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