January 2017
Why do we all want so much in our life? Is it our soul driving this desire? Or is it an unknown inner discomfort that needs to be soothed for a moment? How can we be satisfied with the minimal basics? Is this giving up on goals to want less? I recommend watching the movie Minimalism, it shares the journey of how we can drive ourselves towards certain goals to “better” ourselves often financially and materially, and once you get there you realise it is not actually what you truly want. It is more often a jail you have put yourself into, an illusion of ticking the boxes of the dreams. Get married, buy a house, have children, build your career and have a well rounded social life. So many programs here.
Imagine a life empty of any shoulds or must do’s… What does that look like? A life where each morning you awaken allowing the inspiration to flow through you, for your day to unfold with your excitement and play. Just as a child spontaneously (if allowed space and freedom) flows from moment to moment in their authentic purpose, not attached to any outcome or results. Living completely in the moment, free from the distractions of having to get money, to get things, to then get satisfaction of achieving.
Living a minimalist life allows for less time needed to make money for the latest phone or large home, and more time for what your soul truly wants and needs. We all have preferences (desires from the ego mind) in life, but having your real needs met is so much more fulfilling at the end of the day. As Bashar states the true definition of abundance is “The ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it.” When in your true flow of following your excitement, your inspirations, your soul mission, what you NEED will be automatically attracted to you. Clearing beliefs and programs to allow yourself to flow is key to really letting go and trusting your journey.